Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Great Dinner with Fringe Benefits

Hey - great Thai food, nes pas?

Simply Thai turned out to be a great venue. I hope everyone had a good time?

The conversations ranged from the Tibetian protests of the Beijing Olympics, to Mount stories stretching over several decades, to the personal stories of greeting life (death in the family, challenges of parenting) and career. Very much worth the investment of time and energy.

There was an immediate authenticy and trust. For me, seeing Crista Renner again after about 20 years was a blast. We talked like it was more like a few months since seeing each other.

She was riding high on a work experience from her day that was great intelligence for me. Her company, http://www.juiceinc.ca/ released a white paper in the morning and had a great response. The content is good stuff. Get "The Five Drivers of Engagement: The Role of Emotional Motivators in Employee Performance" here. And make sure you forward the link to all of your friends.

Since, I am getting ready to release a paper regarding the changes that broadband communications have introduced into how corporate value is created and defended, the behind the scenes info of how they crafted the paper based upon a book by one of her partners, raise awareness about it and distribute it is all great insight that she was able to share.

Thanks again to all that could make it out.

If you are interested in being a contributing author to this blog, please leave a comment and we will be in touch!

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