Here is the field report from winner Melissa Sparks!

Yes, I am the lucky winner of the two tickets for the Women of Influence Luncheon Series held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre on October 22, 2008. Actually, I was very surprised because I usually do not win anything and because I had an extra ticket I took my good friend and girlfriend, Ferenah Karimullah,( a certified financial planner) . That's me in the beige jacket.
The event commenced with a reception before the luncheon which gave many of the women and some men, the opportunity to network and peruse the vendor’s booths. After 45 minutes, we were ushered in the room to start with lunch. Lunch was a very simple cannelloni dish with salad along with a light dessert. It was actually very tasty, but I am a pasta lover anyway.

What I liked the most was the diversity of women who attended this luncheon. I had the pleasure to have lunch with a Director, a VP, an account manager, a financial planner, a lawyer, and an executive assistant and they all were women looking to be inspired. I have to mention also, the head table was made up of a very impressive lineup of women who hold positions are directors and Vice Presidents of various firms and organization in Toronto.

The main speakers for the luncheon were Janet Kestin and Nancy Vonk, Co-chief Creative Officer for Oglilvy Toronto. These two women are the masterminds behind the “Dove Evolution” and “Diamond Shreddies” campaigns. The key message I gather from listening to these two women is to follow your passion, and do what makes you happy. Here you have two women who were moved into a career that is dominated by men, and a career that demands a lot of commitment and time and probably not the type of career suited for a woman who wants to have a family, but these two women have worked through the challenges offered by the advertising industry and followed their passion and had their families.

I encourage any of you if you get the opportunity to attend one these events, you will carry away some valuable information that will help with your personal development. The next event is November 26, 2008 with guest speaker – Maureen Kempston Darkes, President , GM Latin America, Africa, and Middle East. Check out the website for further details –
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